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5 Tips to Choose a Gaming PC

used computer lots for sale
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What to look for when you buy a gaming computer from used computer lots for sale? If you are a first-time buyer and you have no idea, consider the following!

Invest in Raw Graphics

As a rule of thumb, invest 30-40% of your budget on the graphics card. An entry level card won’t last long but don’t go after a high-end card if you can’t afford. Instead, pick a midrange card like Radeon R9 or Nvidia 60 or 70 series.  You can grab one for cheap from used computer lots for sale.

Processor and RAM

A quad-core processor with eight threads should be suitable for any gamer. You don’t need Hexa cores to run triple-A titles (at least not now). Invest that money on RAM, its best if you buy 16GB-32GB RAM.


Most gamers cheap out on motherboard but that is a critical mistake and it costs you in the long run. You should invest 10%-15% of your budget on your motherboard.

Don’t Go Crazy

Gaming doesn’t mean RGB LEDs or crazy styling. Sure, it looks cool but they won’t be any good if your pc can’t play the latest games. Instead, invest this money on components. You won’t find them in used computer lots for sale.

Leave Peripherals for Last

You should include this when making your budget. However, don’t make it your first priority. Even if you cheap out on it, you can buy a better one later.

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